Looking for European Wholesale expansion for your products or increase market share?

Meet all members and discuss - From 0 zero to 22 countries in 1 meeting!
During one face-to-face meeting you will meet all individual members and have the opportunity to discuss the market promote your products and agree next steps where possible.


Really Strengthen the Business Relationship
Together we target for a long-term business development relationship. Several directions are possible such as a preferred or partnership program.

From 0 zero to 22 countries in 1 meeting!

WIM will be your Accelerator

It all starts with a WIM Preferred Supplier Contract. This contract will allow you to have access to all the local key decision makers and enables you to Expand within Europe in a short period of time. Next is enhance the relationships and increase the market share together. More alignment is needed and WIM is your door to the Management levels of our members. During a Procurement Board
meeting or Executive Board meeting Focus suppliers can discuss directly with the management levels of our members. Also WIM employees will support the relationship and progress of your expansion within Europe via for example Central Feedback on Developments or based on ScoreCard Evaluations.

Some of our tools ...

Within WIM we work closely together with our suppliers in various Category Teams. The teams meet each other on a regular basis to agree on directions with our WIM suppliers. These meetings are an excellent platform to start the promotion of your brands and products.

Join our Geographical Expansion program or our Active Cooperation program.

Promotion of brands to Members

Create monitoring tools

Create effective marketing actions

European Marketing Program

Create KPI’s

Specific development goals